In this epoch of technological evolution, data concerning problems of different scientific areas are steeply increasing in volume, also requiring hundreds PB of storage (Big Data). Specifically, in astronomy, radioastronomy, and cosmology, these data have a big size both in the single file and in the number of files. Maintaining a proper performance trend towards pre-Exascale systems requires a specific codesign between hardware and software, exploiting High Performance Computing (HPC) techniques. On the hardware side, increasingly heterogeneous architectures with multiple nodes and accelerators linked with high-bandwidth bridges to the single node are required. On the software side, applications have to be written with programming languages which allow portability among diverse architectures while not losing in performance and minimizing the time required by the programmer to adapt the application. Other important aspects are the maintainability of the numerical stability of a problem solution while increasing the system size and the number of computational resources and the requirement of a “Green” solution, that is, the ability to build infrastructures and applications to compute operations with big data volumes without excessively increasing the energetic consumptions.
Valentina Cesare is an astrophysicist and fixed-term researcher (tecnologo di III livello professionale) at the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) – Astrophysical Observatory of Catania (OACT) since May 2023 and she have worked at INAF-OACT since December 2020. She is currently working on the development, support, and GPU porting of scientific applications related to Gaia space mission (specifically, the Gaia AVU-GSR Parallel Solver) on HPC and HTC environments. She is also working in the development of workflows with Common Workflow Language (CWL) for scientific visualization. She got the Ph.D. in Physics and Astrophysics in March 2021 at the Physics Department of the University of Turin, with a thesis about the study of the dynamics of external galaxies with the theory of modified gravity Refracted Gravity. Her Ph.D. work was the continuation of her work of Master Thesis, for which she received the Master’s Degree in Physics with honours in July 2017. She got the Bachelor’s Degree in Physics with honours in July 2015 at the same university and department, with a thesis about magnetohydrodynamical instabilities of astrophysical jets.
Gianluca Mittone is a Ph.D. student in Modeling and Data Science at the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin, after eight months as a research engineer at the same university and department. He is currently working on different projects involving HPC and Machine Learning techniques. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2017 with a thesis on the handling of exceptions in Description Logics, proposing the implementation of an algorithm for the automatic revision of ontologies exploiting a Typicality operator. He also received the Master’s Degree in Computer Science in 2019 with a master thesis on a novel distributed approach for deep learning, named NNT (Nearest Neighbours Training), which takes advantage of a locally synchronous approach to achieve a better trade-off between computational time and learning results.
De Rubeis
Emanuele De Rubeis is a Ph.D. student at the University of Bologna and the Institute of Radio Astronomy (INAF-IRA, Bologna) since November 2022, where he carries out his research in the field of non-thermal emission at low frequency in clusters of galaxies and radio galaxies, in particular through the analysis of LOFAR-VLBI data, and in the application of HPC solutions for radio astronomy.
Alberto Vecchiato is a physicist and a researcher at the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, where he hold a permanent position in 2007, and he developed the Gaia AVU-GSR Parallel Solver, written in C + C++ and parallelized firstly with MPI + OpenMP and then with MPI + CUDA, with Dr. Ugo Becciani and Dr. Valentina Cesare from the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania. He got the Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology in 2001 and his graduation thesis in Physics in 1996 at the University of Padova.
This workshop explores applying FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles to linguistic legal data by integrating Linked Open Data (LOD) and ISO Standards for managing specialized legal terminology. The goal is to improve the accessibility, interoperability, and usability of legal information, enhancing legal research and decision-making. Experts from legal informatics, data science, and policy-making will collaborate to innovate the management and sharing of legal data.
Angela Condello is an Assistant Professor of Legal Philosophy at the University of Messina. She has led various projects and written extensively on human rights, legal methodology, and the interplay between law and artificial intelligence. Angela directs Labont Law and curates the A Buon Diritto report on the state of rights in Italy.
Giorgio Maria
Di Nunzio
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Padova. He co-directs the Centre of Study in Computational Terminology and has organized multiple international conferences and workshops on terminology and artificial intelligence. He coordinates the Padova Node of the CINI Data Science Lab and is involved in ISO technical committees on language and terminology.
Enrico Francesconi is a Research Director at the Institute for Legal Informatics and Judicial Studies of the National Research Council of Italy and currently a Policy Officer at the European Parliament. His research interests include Semantic Web technologies and AI for the legal domain. He has held various positions in international legal informatics associations and conferences.
Federica Vezzani is an Assistant Professor in terminology and French language at the University of Padova. She has organized several international conferences on multilingual digital terminology and is a member of ISO technical committees on language and terminology.
A Forbes article titled ''The Last Mile Of Innovation Will Separate The Leaders From The Laggards''. The ability to handle data in a secure and effective manner will the prerequisite for playing a protagonist role in the future arena. Experts from the industry and the academia will present the results of cutting edge research in cybersecurity and dataspaces technologies in multiple application domains, including: energy, transportation, and fight against crime and terrorism. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the stakeholders who can enable the coverage of the last mile of innovation in Cybersecurity and Data Spaces technologies. Experts from the academia and from the industry will present the latest results of their research. Business facilitators will describe the services they offer for transferring these technologies to enterprises. Managers and entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to harness the innovation in their companies.
Currently Head of Projects Department within Romanian Energy Center, Mihai has a large experience of over 15 years in management consulting, EU funding and technical assistance projects, holding the positions of manager and senior consultant in a multinational, cross-industry environment. He is certified in Project Management and Business Process Management, having an extensive experience as Project Manager and Senior Advisor in the implementation of 11 large international energy research projects, funded through the H2020 and ERASMUS programs, but also in several transnational and cross-industry management consultancy projects, business development activities and administration of state aid schemes. The area of expertise and involvement in research projects is mainly aimed at the coordination of the work packages on business modelling, economic impact assessment, dissemination, exploitation, policies, and regulations, to fostering support for the project results.